There's no evidence for God's existence.
This is a popular claim of atheists.
But no matter how you try to argue for evidence for God or supernaturalism, they don't accept it and keep claiming there is no evidence.
What to do?
Put them to provide evidence for their atheistic and naturalistic worldview.
See these articles:
How to Respond to a Supercilious Atheist.
Presumption of Atheism and the ‘Insufficient Evidence’ Objection to Belief in God.
This is a popular claim of atheists.
But no matter how you try to argue for evidence for God or supernaturalism, they don't accept it and keep claiming there is no evidence.
What to do?
Put them to provide evidence for their atheistic and naturalistic worldview.
See these articles:
How to Respond to a Supercilious Atheist.
Presumption of Atheism and the ‘Insufficient Evidence’ Objection to Belief in God.
I agree with Antony Flew's recent comments (2007) on the type of evidence for God that he accepts: "It was empirical evidence, the evidence uncovered by the sciences. But it was a philosophical inference drawn from the evidence. Scientists as scientists cannot make these kinds of philosophical inferences. They have to speak as philosophers when they study the philosophical implications of empirical evidence"
You can draw a philosophical inference for God existence based upon scientific and empirical evidence. This point is important, because many atheists wrongly see God as "scientific hypothesis" to be tested in the laboratory, not as a philosophical inference from evidence.
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